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Work...Tourist...Long Stay...Short Stay


A key factor to staying in France more than 90 days is to have an EU passport or a VISA.


You need to make an application, then transfer your VISA into a Titre de Séjour and then organise the renewal.


We are not immigration lawyers but we can offer some guidance and practical advice on VISA applications and requirements.


From our 'on the ground' experience we can also offer advice on how VISA applications are being treated and the reactions and problems encountered at the local prefectures.


We can assist directly with VISA applications coupled with the required healthcare insurance. We can help with visits to government offices such as the Prefecture.


Often, our first question to a new client is 'What is your passport or VISA status?'




French Tax Business and Financial Advice

SIRET 479 554 784 RCS Vannes

Tax Consultant and Registered Independent Financial Advisor ORIAS 07 005 235

Professional Insurance QBE France Responsabilité civile professionnelle ET Garantie Financière

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