Personal Professional Partnership with YOU
French Tax Business and Financial Advice
SIRET 479 554 784 RCS Vannes
Tax Consultant and Registered Independent Financial Advisor ORIAS 07 005 235
Professional Insurance QBE France Responsabilité civile professionnelle ET Garantie Financière

Opening and running your own business is exciting and rewarding!​
When do you make the move from self-employed to limited company?
Will you have employees?
How do I manage my accounts and declarations?
Let us help you find the right structure for your enterprise.
Choosing the right limited structure can depend on your trade, cashflow and business plans. Changing structure can be expensive and time consuming.
We can create your company structure in a cost effective and timely manner. We can then manage the process of you working with our registered business accountant while we still look after your personal tax and other affairs.
Navigating through the tricky maze of business creation is helped by our team members practical experience of creating, managing and owning limited companies in the UK and France.