Personal Professional Partnership with YOU
French Tax Business and Financial Advice
SIRET 479 554 784 RCS Vannes
Tax Consultant and Registered Independent Financial Advisor ORIAS 07 005 235
Professional Insurance QBE France Responsabilité civile professionnelle ET Garantie Financière
Peter Johnson was born in France and raised in the UK. Retaining a passion for France he moved back more than 25 years ago. After spending several years in accountancy, teaching, real estate and tourism activities Peter found a niche to help English-speaking people living or regularly visiting France with their tax and administration affairs.
Peter’s approach has always been one of ‘help and assistance’. Working together with people in a no nonsense manner to help individuals navigate their way through a complex system where even the best French native speaker can sometimes come unstuck.
Peter built a solid reputation for offering a personal and honest service at an affordable price. This continues to this day with his team where we work with you to find the best solution for your life in France.

Creating a stress free and productive life in France is more than just learning the language. Everyday we are engaged with tax, administration, insurance, visa, work, business, health.
This 'on the ground' daily experience with clients that enables us to give best current advice.
Doing the admin yourself can be rewarding....but we have the experience of the systems which change and create unforeseen problems.